I worked with a woman once who didn't like me because I was the only person in her chain of command that she couldn't flirt with to get her way because I was the only WOMAN in her chain of command at the time.
She'd be seen in the company of all men so they could pat her on the head or shoulder while staring at her boobs in her low cut blouse. She'd dress extremely sexy and goodness knows she was a victim SO OFTEN that men started doing things like going for a walk with her to offer her support because the poor dear was so misunderstood.
All while looking at her boobs or her azz.
The other women who worked with her couldn't stand her azz either and she told everyone it was because they were jealous of or were hating on her.
Cuz that's what all women do.
Eventually the men in her chain of command got sick of her azz too so she started doing the same thing with men NOT in her chain of command. She'd become desperate for attention by then so she started peppering her conversations with sexual innuendos or just vulgar nonsense that shouldn't be in the work place.
The shit got old and more and more women started getting promoted over her so more and more women were in her chain of command. And she didn't know how to function working with more women. She was so used to men being in charge and being able to get over by having her blouse cut low that she never learned a thing about actually doing her damn job.
The craziest part of this was that the woman was VERY attractive and was never without male attention and yet...she never had a boyfriend for long. This was noted by the women first because she was the type to talk to anyone around about what her man did or bought for her thinking that other women would be GREEN.WITH.ENVY. You know...grown responsible women who were married with children and a damn life. I remember hearing about an office pool tallying up how many men she'd gushed about within a calendar year and I started feeling a bit sorry for her but then she did something stoopit so yeah...I stopped feeling sorry for her.
Eventually her services were no longer needed and when it was time for her to find another job...she realized that the people who were in a position to give her a reference weren't fans. She tried to go over their heads to the head MAN in charge and he never once returned her call.
The company didn't burn bridges with her. They hired a contractor to come in and CAREFULLY DECONSTRUCT the bridge quietly because really...there was no need to bring the fire department in to put out that fire.
She never grew.
She was always the victim.
And every.single.professional woman she comes in contact with wants to tell her to "BUTTON UP YOUR BLOUSE."
I was recently reminded of her as an EXTREMELY professional woman, "Sally", was telling me pretty much the exact same scenario about a young lady, "Chrissy", in her office who attempted to go over her head to her male boss, "Jim", to get her way. Jim called Sally in and basically told her that he knows Chrissy's type and has decided Chrissy should be moved to another department until they could get rid of her because he didn't like the way Chrissy went over Sally's head to come to him with her boobs dangling.
Bye bye Chrissy.
Oh...and Chrissy's story is that she got a lateral promotion because Sally was hating on her and threatened by her.
Please just go to work and do your job. Leave all that "extra" for reality shows. Unless you're a Playboy Bunny or a Hooters girl...keep 'em under wraps properly mmmkay?
Your Cool Aunt, T-Monnie
Have YOU ever worked with a Chrissy?
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