For Christmas I give the neighbors homemade bark as you guys know. I love doing it because I don't get to see many of my neighbors when it's cold out. Most of them try and feed me or make me drink wine with them while there and we catch up for a few minutes while wishing each other happy holidays.
I have a lot of neighbors who don't celebrate Christmas but I give it to them too. And they are always very happy and appreciative.
My neighbors rock.
Yall might remember my neighbors who are Pakistani and my hostess gift dillema: "Muslim Hostess Gift?"
Well...they got bark too, of course, and grinned from ear-to-ear when they received it.
A few days ago it was cold as hell and snowing. I was in my office when the doorbell rang and looked out to see my neighbor standing out in the cold. I ran down. I couldn't invite her in because she's afraid of dogs and well...if you've ever ding-donged the doorbell at know the Jaru/Lucy reaction.
So I went outside and we chatted for a few freezing seconds and then she handed me the gift bag she was holding.
Her: It's a traditional bed sheet.
Me (CLEARLY SURPRISED): Oh...thank you!
She left and I rolled back into the house.
When I took out the gift I was stunned at how extraordinarily beautiful it is. It's woven in a gorgeous teal green and brown and's the size of a bed. Think of the most luxurious REAL pashmina you've ever seen. Now think of it...the size of your bed.
So I asked Mr. Google about it and learned that it is an Ajrak bed sheet. Turns it is a lost art according to this article: "Arjak industry on the decline" absolutely love it. The quality and FEEL of it is just soooooooo amazing to me. It's so beautiful and yet...I don't know what to do with it. It seems such a shame to not have something so gorgeous on display but where? How? It doesn't go with the decor in our room or our guest bedroom so...I'm not going to use it as a what are my options?
Help ya girl out.
What would YOU do with it?
Oh...and I am sooooooooooo ordering them a King Cake for Mardi Gras. LOL!
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