Jaru and Lucy probably get bathed more than most big dogs because well...I have issues and have no problem subjecting them to regular/frequent baths to keep up with my issues. LOL!
There could be worse things right?
Because we have carpet on our top and basement levels, I keep 2lb. boxes of baking soda stocked in the cabinets. I buy them in the baking section of Target and they are only about $1.20 for a 2lb. box.
About every 2 weeks, before we go to bed, I liberally sprinkle baking soda on the carpets leading down to and in the basement and let it sit overnight after using a carpet broom to rub it in really good. The next day I get up, make my bed and do the same to the bedroom level as I leave it to vacuum the basement.
Before we go to bed...I vacuum the bedroom level. The baking powder absorbs all of the pet odors in the carpets and it makes me happy, happy, joy, joy.
I also wipe down the walls from my waist on down about the same amount of time.
E burned some popcorn and decided he'd eat around the burned bits once and the main and basement levels smelled like ick. It was winter so I couldn't open the windows to air out the house.
I took out some wide mixing bowls and poured a good bit of white vinegar in the bowls. I put one on the table in the family/dining room and one downstairs in the basement. I let it sit for 24 hours and yup...it absorbed all of the burned popcorn smells big time.
I also keep those febreeze plugins on the main level.
I hate odor and my nose is very sensitive so yeah...my deodorizing game is proper.
What about you?
Anything you do that you find works really well when you think you smell something?
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