So I went to Circuit City to get my music. Robin Thicke's and Monica's new cd's were released this week.
Now...before yall start...yes, even though Monica's cd broke the rule(only 10 songs)...I had to get it. Why? Well...number one it's Monica. The girl can sing. She has ALWAYS been able to sing. She's like on my list of people I gotta buy like Whitney. Whitney can drop a cd with 2.5 songs on it and I'm buying it. Love me some Whitney. LOVE ME SOME WHITNEY. (Well...erra...pre-crack Whitney that is.)
The second reason I had to get Monica's cd even though it only had 10 songs was because of the name of song number 3. Yupper. "Sideline Ho." KNOW I had to hear the song called "Sideline Ho." I just HAD to. I'd never even heard the term before...but boy-oh-boy I know what it means now. LOL! And I know a lotta hoochies are gonna be fast forwarding past this song while listening to the cd. ROFL! I listened to this song DYING laughing! She is calling out all women who KNOW they are not the main woman in a man's life and yet STILL deals with him. Too funny for words. She put this ish to MUSIC! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She actually asks "Ain't you tired of spending all the holidays alone?" I'm telling you...she straight SLAPS hoochies in da mouf with this song. WOW.
Too. Stoopit. Pure unintentional humor at it's FINEST!
I predict Monica's cd will unite thugfessionals everywhere. Seriously. It's a guilty head beating kinda pleasure.
Now...Robin Thicke.
I was EXCITED about Robin Thicke's cd. He's showing me he's a TRUE artist that loves the music and his fans by dropping 16 songs. SIXTEEN! PRACTICALLY UNHEARD OF IN THE WORLD OF STUDIO ARTISTS! Whoooooooooohooooooooooooo! I was soooooooooooo excited I could just FEEL myself taking the cellophane off of it. Seriously...I was excited to hear some good grown folks music.
Me: (smiling from ear to ear) I'm looking for Robin Thicke's cd.
Salesdude: We're sold out. We only had like 3.
Me: (crestfallen) THREE? Why did you only have 3?
Salesdude: I guess they didn't think it would sell. You can prolly get it at the other store.
Me: (evil, angry face) I don't want to get it at the other store I want to get it here for the new release price.
Salesdude: We don't do that rain check thing. You can order it online. You can always get it online.
Me: (befuddled) Then I'll have to pay for shipping when I should be able to get it here.
Salesdude: That's all I know.
Me: *sigh* Yeah...unh huh. Aiight.
Stoopit imaginary person: Why don't you just buy it on iTunes?
Me: I don't buy whole cd's from iTunes. I only buy singles there when only one or two on the cd is good.
Stoopit imaginary person: Oh.
Me: Yeah.
Stoopit imaginary person: What time we going to the other store tomorrow?
Me: Bout noon.
P.S. If you're wondering why I didn't post a pic of Monica's cover...well...erra...I found it distastful. And anyway...Monica too damn thin to be showin all that skin. Humph. She taking ish too far.
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